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How To Make A User-Centered Website

Having a quality website is critical to success in the online world. After all, your website should be at the center of your online presence.

If you already have a website, you should start by taking a moment and really looking at it. As you look at it, ask yourself some key questions.

1.Does my website serve the purpose I originally planned for it?

2. Does it convey what the purpose of my business is? Whom do I want to visit my online business?

3. Am I providing content that those types of visitors want?

4.What is my website really being used for?

These are all essential questions to ask yourself about your website in order to make sure that it is user-centered and effective.

Generally speaking, the end result of all of your work on social media, search results, and online ads is to get customers and potential customers to your website. That is because, ideally speaking, your website is where your potential customers can be converted into the real deal and where current customers can find what they are looking for.

If you don’t have a website, we encourage you to use the following steps to help your website be exactly what your customers — both current and future — are looking for. However, we also encourage you to make sure that you are not spending all of your budget on a website that nobody can find. Hold some budget back for marketing your site.

Step 1: Have Good Hosting

Picking a hosting platform with the right resources for your business will set the stage for your website and business in the digital realm. Using a good venue — i.e. hosting service — makes all the difference for your guests. In a business situation, the hosting platform will take care of essentials like file storage, email hosting, server space, databases and more. They provide these types of resources so that you don’t have to provide them yourself. Below we have listed a few key metrics and questions to guide you as you find the right hosting platform for your site.

When it comes to your site running well, hosting makes all the difference. In our opinion, some of the best hosting sites are:

  • Hostinger-Best

  • Bluehost-Good

  • Namecheap-Best

  • Hostgator

  • GoDaddy

Basic Metrics to Look For in a Hosting Company:

• An uptime of 99.9% — this means that your website will be up and running on their servers 365 days a year. Anything less can and will be damaging to the business.

• Unmetered/unlimited bandwidth

• Unmetered/unlimited webspace or disc space

• Quality customer service

• High ratings

Additional Questions to Consider:

• How many domains can you have?

• Do they support e-commerce functionality?

• How much does it cost?

Step 2: Choose an Effective URL

A URL is basically a global address for specific documents, pages, or other resources on the World Wide Web. Put more simply, your URL is what is commonly referred to as your website address and people use it to locate

Following these tips will help you create an effective URL

  • Make it Relevant. Your URL should represent either your company name or what visitors will find on your website.

  • Keep it Short and Simple

  • Keep the User in Mind, you need to keep the user in mind when creating and branding your URL. When your URL is memorable and easy to type, people are more likely to visit your website directly because strong URLs make it easy for users to get to your site.

Things to avoid in your URL:

• Words or names that are difficult to spell

• Excessive and/or irregular repetition of letters

• Long strings of words

• Hyphens and underscore

Step 3: Build a Strong, Effective Website

If you are a coder and know the art of building websites then there's no issue. But if you don't my friend the also no issue. You can use CMS. CMS is a type of platform where you can build website without any coding knowledge, just drag and drop method.

Step 4: Create Useful Content

Content correlates to the drinks, appetizers, entrées, and desserts that you serve in order to satisfy your guests once they are at your venue. It may be in the form of text, audio, video or infographics.

The main portions of the content funnel — and the ways you can help your visitors — are to:

• Inform

• Instruct

• Solve

• Sell

Depending on their needs, visitors to your site may enter at different points in this funnel. The best results come when you provide content that addresses their specific needs at the point at which they enter your funnel

Keep in mind, that users are generally looking for a solution to a problem and you can provide that answer.

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